Warhead Illustrated WWII Prints

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Review: Echelon Fine Details US Army's M1A1s & M1A2 SEP TUSK in IRAQ

Title: Echelon Fine Details US Army's M1A1s & M1A2 SEP TUSK in IRAQ  1/35 decals
Product code: D356205

Description: This decal sheet from Echelon Fine Details contains markings for US Army M1A1's  and a  M1A2 SEP TUSK in Iraq. Each tank has some sort of art work, the M1A2 has two eagle head designs on the front of the turret, while one M1A1 has painted eyeballs and the remaining M1A1 has the full treatment with a eyeballs and a ferocious mouth painted on the front of the hull.

Decals contains the artwork mentioned plus the necessary vehicle numbers and data.