Warhead Illustrated WWII Prints

Monday, 4 April 2011

Review: Echelon Fine Details M1A1HA Abrams OIF T35004 1/35 decals

Title: Echelon Fine Details M1A1HA Abrams OIF T35004 1/35 decals

Description: This decal sheet from Echelon Fine Details contains markings for six complete M1A1HA Abrams form the 1st Marine Division during Operation Iraqi Freedom. 
This decal sheet contains various code numbers and vehicle serial numbers, bridge weight classification disks. Further to this, there are stenciling for gun tube inspection dates, labels for the CIP panels, EAPU and MCD stencils and shipping and GCE labels. 

In addition generic numbers are also included which is useful if you wish to create registration for other tanks.

Decal options for:

1. "Sinister Minister"
- Platoon Commander, 2nd Platoon, C Company, 2nd Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

- Platoon Commander, 3rd Platoon, C Company, 2nd Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

3. "Kitten Rescue"
- Unidentified B Company tank

4. "4 PLAY"
- 2nd Platoon, D Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

5. "Saddamizer"
- Tank of Executive Officer, D Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

6. "Hard Licker"
- B Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

Above: A detail view of "Hard Licker"- B Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division which carried a mine plow.