Warhead Illustrated WWII Prints

Thursday, 28 April 2011

In progress: Italeri JAS-39 Gripen Pt.2

In Progress:  Work on the JAS-39 Gripen is nearing completion. With this update a light wash of a highly diluted mix of  acrylic gouache (Paynes Grey) was used to highlight the panel lines after a coating of floor polish was used to seal the model.

Decals and a bit of weathering will follow shortly.


More updates to follow.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

In progress: Trumpeter M1A1 Abrams with Mine Plow 1/35 Pt.6

 In Progress:  Just a small update for today. I was informed that the Bustle Rack Extension that I using was appropriate for a US Army Abrams but incorrect for a USMC Abrams ( which I am building).  

A few options to correct this problem included sourcing the appropriate parts from other Abrams kits or to use the Eduard p.e set ( which seems to be out of production). Well not having those other Abrams kits or having the Eduard set available, I  scratch built a BRE form scrap plastic and brass tubing. 

While not a 100% accurate, it works and once loaded with equipment & stores it should be just fine.

More updates to follow.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

In progress: Trumpeter M1A1 Abrams with Mine Plow 1/35 Pt.5

 In Progress:  The mine plow has been painted with Humbrol's silver, gun metal and black enamel paints.  At this point in time any further work on the mine plow will be put on hold as I try to find out  what colour  it was painted. There is a small picture of "Hard Licker" (the Abrams that I'm building) at the back of  Echelon's instruction but I can't determine if it is green or if it is the same colour as the tank.

More updates to follow.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Review: Echelon Fine Details M1A1HA Abrams OIF T35004 1/35 decals

Title: Echelon Fine Details M1A1HA Abrams OIF T35004 1/35 decals

Description: This decal sheet from Echelon Fine Details contains markings for six complete M1A1HA Abrams form the 1st Marine Division during Operation Iraqi Freedom. 
This decal sheet contains various code numbers and vehicle serial numbers, bridge weight classification disks. Further to this, there are stenciling for gun tube inspection dates, labels for the CIP panels, EAPU and MCD stencils and shipping and GCE labels. 

In addition generic numbers are also included which is useful if you wish to create registration for other tanks.

Decal options for:

1. "Sinister Minister"
- Platoon Commander, 2nd Platoon, C Company, 2nd Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

- Platoon Commander, 3rd Platoon, C Company, 2nd Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

3. "Kitten Rescue"
- Unidentified B Company tank

4. "4 PLAY"
- 2nd Platoon, D Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

5. "Saddamizer"
- Tank of Executive Officer, D Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division

6. "Hard Licker"
- B Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

Above: A detail view of "Hard Licker"- B Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division which carried a mine plow.

Friday, 1 April 2011

In progress: Trumpeter M1A1 Abrams with Mine Plow 1/35 Pt.4

In Progress:  Finally got around to painting the Abrams. The kit was first painted in black than selected areas were airbrushed in shades of gray for tonal effect.  The Abrams was then sprayed with hairspray to replicate a bit of wear and tear once the final coat of paint is applied.

After I weather the Abrams, the CIP's & aerials will be added. Following that I will start work on the mine plow and Tamiya' equipment set.

More updates to follow.