Warhead Illustrated WWII Prints

Friday, 27 August 2010

Review: Rising Decals SEAC Fighters 1/72 Decals

Title: Rising Decals SEAC Fighters 1/72 Decals

Description: This decal sheet from Rising Decals contains markings for SEAC Fighters, the RAF in Burma during WW II. Decals are in 1/72 scale

Decal options for :

Thunderbolt Mk.I  from 258 Sqn RAF based at Arkonam, India 1944.
Thunderbolt Mk.II from 30 Sqn RAF based at Chittagong, India.
Thunderbolt Mk.II from 30 Sqn RAF based at Vizagapatam, India 1945.
Spitfire Mk.VIII from 152 Sqn RAF based at Thedaw, Burma 1945.
Spitfire Mk.VIII from 155 Sqn RAF based at Palel, India 1944.

And bonus decals for :

Spitfire Pr. Mk.XI from 681Sqn Based at Imphal, India 1944.